Massachusetts Ambassador Project Impact Brief 2020
Massachusetts Photovoice Project Impact Brief 2020
Leading a Public Health Response to the Expansion of Gambling in Massachusetts: Engagement, Equity, and Empowerment
Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones from Problem Gambling
Let’s Get Real about Gambling
MA Health Promotion Clearinghouse
Our Voices Matter: Using Lived Experience to Promote Equity in Problem Gambling Prevention
Massachusetts Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment
This center provides technical assistance to support the following: Increased treatment capacity Organizational capacity building to address problem gambling treatment Tracking and quality assurance standards Evaluation criteria Additionally, the center administers and manages the Massachusetts Problem Gambling Specialist (MA PGS) Certificate, which is the official gambling treatment certificate of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.
Massachusetts Photovoice Project Impact Brief 2019
This impact brief focuses on early outcomes associated with the implementation of the Massachusetts Photovoice Project within two social service agencies supported during fiscal year 2019. Specifically, it examines early indicators of reach and effectiveness. Evaluation of the Massachusetts Photovoice Project shows early evidence in reach and impact of the initiative as well as lessons […]
Massachusetts Ambassador Project Impact Brief 2019
This impact brief focuses on the early outcomes associated with the implementation of the Massachusetts Ambassador Project within two recovery-oriented organizations during fiscal year 2019. The Ambassador Project is positioned to have a positive impact on priority populations and become a replicable model for other states.