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Our Approach

The Massachusetts Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling Prevention provides capacity building, training, and program development services to address the prevention of problem gambling and its intersection with related health issues, such as substance misuse and mental health problems.

Our Beliefs

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Authentic community engagement is the foundation for sustainable capacity building.

Authentic community engagement acknowledges the skills and experiences of those most affected by public health problems, such as problem gambling, and the importance of drawing on community strengths to inform all levels of planning and development.

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An equity focus is key to ensuring that all populations can attain health.

An equity focus acknowledges that negative health outcomes are associated with traditional policies and systems. Intentional initiatives that focus on knowledge, access, and support must be developed to ensure communities have the opportunity to attain their optimal health and to promote social justice.

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The social-ecological model guides our understanding of how social problems manifest and how they can be addressed.

Public health problems are the result of influences present at the individual, community, and societal levels. This model guides our understanding of how history, relationships, and communities shape our behaviors. It also shows how these different levels of influence interact with one another and intervene at the community and societal levels to create lasting change.

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Effective prevention efforts address the root causes that contribute to or inhibit healthy community conditions.

Public health problems are often symptoms of underlying conditions, and they must be solved by addressing the root causes of the problem. These root causes are called social determinants of health. They  are shaped by the distribution of money, power, and resources thus creating social and physical environments that either support or undermine the health of the population.

About Us

Our Team

The collective range of knowledge and experiences of our team informs how we provide program development, training, and capacity-building services to address the prevention of problem gambling and related public health issues.

Jacqueline Dick

Jacqueline Dick

Project Director