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Public health and commercial tobacco prevention practitioners have increasingly centered equity in policy development to ensure that policies to combat commercial tobacco–related harms do not unintentionally perpetuate or exacerbate health disparities. This shift includes efforts to improve evaluation activities to better measure health equity impacts related both to outcomes and to how the policy was developed and implemented.

The lists of sample metrics in this resource provide local policymakers, public health practitioners, and community groups with a foundation for further conversation about how we measure the community impact of the policy process. These non-exhaustive lists stem from research across the field of public health; only some correspond to existing examples in commercial tobacco. In time, we hope to share examples of each metric at work and to update the research as we continue to learn from our partners.

The lists and accompanying research in this tool aim to provide . . .

  • Inspiration for new and deeper partnerships throughout the policy process — for example, between local decision makers, partner agencies, community-based organizations, health care partners, other service providers, and residents
  • Data metrics and supporting evidence to help ground and inspire new approaches to evaluating the policy process
  • Avenues for building a network of communities that are making this shift in their approaches to evaluation provisions and plans

In this brief, stock is taken from the existing research on strengths and resilience within Latinx families. Based on the analysis of the literature, this brief provides recommendations to researchers for advancing strength-based research on Latino families and to programs and practitioners for building on Latinx families’ strengths in service delivery.

“Racial Justice and Power-Sharing: The Heart of Leading Systems Change,” a chapter in the book authored by HIP Co-Directors Lili Farhang and Solange Gould, draws on HIP’s experience working with over 100 health departments and public health organizations to unpack the way power operates within social systems and how systems change leaders can center racial justice and power-sharing at the heart of our practice. In the midst of a massive racial reckoning in the United States, it’s as urgent as ever that public health grapples with how to support the Movement for Black Lives and other uprisings for liberation, and organize around a vision of health that is truly equitable. Systems change leadership can be a critical step in that direction.

This guide is intended to serve as a tool to support community organizers — encompassing informal coalitions, grassroots organizations, and individuals — to engage with governmental public health to advance a campaign or policy change goals. Specifically, this guide introduces organizers to the field of public health and lays out resources for how to engage most effectively with local public health departments (“HDs”).

The Health Equity and Prevention Primer (HEPP) is a web-based training series for public health practitioners and advocates interested in achieving health, safety, and health equity through policy advocacy, community change, and multi-sector engagement. Developed with guidance from state and local health department staff and nationally-recognized health equity experts, the Primer includes seven brief, interactive presentations, along with related health equity publications, tools, and other resources.

SOPHE’s Health Equity & Anti-Racism Task Force developed the following resources for SOPHE members, chapters, stakeholders, and other community-based organizations to use in their work.

Public health experts use the term “social determinants of health” to refer to the idea that nonmedical factors such as geography, income, and education have a significant effect on health. While this is an important idea to get across to the public, there are good reasons to rethink the impulse to use the SDOH label. Communications researchers have found that this term doesn’t make sense to the average person. What’s more, the phrase can even leave mistaken impressions that the “social determinants of health” has something to do with socialism or a belief that people lack free will. Here are helpful things to keep in mind when you’re trying to explain why some demographic groups experience better or worse health outcomes than others.

Building a shared future of community prosperity requires a shared responsibility to ensure that all people and communities are treated fairly. The Equitable Policy Processes for Multisector Health Efforts tool builds on BHPN’s Healthy Neighborhood Investments and Strategy Map and our organization’s work with multisector coalitions across the country. The resource helps coalitions embed equity at every stage of the policy making process with actionable steps to share power, engage stakeholders, and operationalize equity through public policy that helps create healthier, more equitable, and thriving communities.

This toolkit aids in assessing and enhancing cultural competence in your organization or community effort

The primary purpose of this brief is to explain how programs that use a PYD approach (PYD programs) can embed a racial equity perspective so that they can more effectively engage with, support, and meet the needs of youth and young adults of color whom they serve. It defines positive youth development and racial equity lens, and provides a set of principles to guide all PYD programs in embedding a racial equity perspective in their practices. It also provides information about the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Generation Work initiative, a workforce training model for young adults.