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January 31, 2024

This training utilizes a combination of didactic presentation and interactive case studies and focuses on problem gambling and suicide prevention concepts and terminology, the similarities and differences between problem gambling and suicide prevention, how to assess if an individual has a problem gambling disorder or is at risk for suicide, and questions and strategies to ask to get the individual the support they need.

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Sarah Jerome, Training and Technical Assistance Associate
Lauri Solomon, Public Health Expert
Prevention Intersections, Intermediate
January 18, 2024

We know health equity should be central to the work we do and incorporated into our organizations, our work with others, and ourselves, but it doesn’t always happen. This interactive training will explore common concepts and definitions related to building health equity, being culturally intelligent, key identifying complex factors that make people and communities healthy, and exploring how history and policies have helped shape what our communities are like today.


Upon completion of the training and receipt of your evaluation survey, participants of Applying an Equity Lens to Problem Gambling Prevention can receive a certificate of completion or CPS credits.

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Debra Morris, Program Manager and Health Equity Advisor
Ben Spooner, BS, CPS
Equitable Practice, Intermediate
January 11, 2024

Identifying prevention approaches for emerging behavioral health problems, such as problem gambling where the field is young can be challenging, and we don’t yet have a lot of evidence-based or evidence-informed strategies with proven outcomes to utilize. What we do have is a history of prevention in other behavioral health fields in knowing what works that we can draw from, and we can draw on that experience to develop strategies and interventions to address problem gambling prevention. One way to explore this is through the Diffusion of Innovations (DOI) theory, which explains how and why people adopt new behaviors. This advanced training reviews the DOI theory, Motivational Interviewing, and the stages of change, including how various groups adopt new behaviors and how participants can use the DOI theory and apply it to their behavioral health field of study or develop an intervention to reach key populations and change beliefs and attitudes.

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Problem Gambling, Intermediate
November 15, 2023

Problem gambling is a preventable public health issue, and community-led approaches are an effective way to address shared community concerns. The field of problem gambling has been historically disconnected from community initiatives grounded in equity and social justice. Hence, partnerships and collaborations are essential to the acquisition of resources needed to realize shared goals. Effective community-led initiatives collaborate with, recognize and build on the strengths, resiliency, and existing leadership in disproportionately impacted communities. Community-Led development is an approach in which local community members work together to identify goals that are important to them, develop and implement plans to achieve those goals, and create collaborative relationships internally and with external actors—all while building on community strengths and local leadership. This training will define components of a community-led approach, and explore ways to engage those most impacted by problem gambling to develop partnerships and an action plan to achieve common goals with community partners.

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Haner Hernández, Training and Technical Assistance Associate
Problem Gambling, Intermediate
October 20, 2023

Gambling has been expanded in Massachusetts in recent years, and many communities are not aware of the importance of using a public health approach to address problem gambling, the potential harms associated with it, and populations disproportionally affected. This introductory training will explore the importance of protecting and improving the health of people and their communities, identify problem gambling concepts and terminology, and will categorize variables associated with an increased risk or a lower likelihood of problem gambling.

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Upon completion of the training and receipt of your evaluation survey, participants of A Public Health Approach to Problem Gambling Training will be emailed a certificate of completion. You are welcome to use the certificate, along with the description and learning objectives, to apply for other state-level CEs that are appropriate for you.

Continuing Education Credit: MCOE PGP provides CEU’s for CPS, CAC, CADC, CADC-II, CCDP.

If you have any questions about continuing education credits or need additional information, please contact us at 

Problem Gambling, Intermediate