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Intersections of Problem Gambling and Substance Misuse Prevention

February 8, 2024
10:00 am
– 12:00 pm EST
2 Contact Hours



The prevalence of co-occurring gambling addiction and substance use is high. Approximately 1 in 10 compulsive gamblers report being concerned about their substance use, and research shows that people with a history of substance misuse are at higher risk for problem gambling. There is a complex relationship between problem gambling and substance misuse and a clear intersection between these two behavioral health issues. This training explores problem gambling concepts and terminology, the similarities and differences between problem gambling and substance misuse, implications for prevention and intervention strategies, as well as opportunities for collaboration between the substance misuse and problem gambling prevention fields.

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Learning Objectives

  • Describe levels of gambling and their associated risk
  • Better understand the complex relationship between problem gambling and substance misuse.
  • Identify shared risk and protective factors between problem gambling and substance use disorders
  • Identify barriers and solutions to collaboration between the problem gambling prevention field and substance misuse prevention and intervention.
  • Describe collaboration strategies for substance use prevention professionals and the problem gambling prevention field to improve public health and community conditions.

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Shannon Cassidy, Training and Technical Assistance Associate
Ben Spooner , BS, CPS

Contact Hours


Track and Competency Level

Prevention Intersections
, Intermediate