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Applying an Equity Lens to Problem Gambling Prevention

January 18, 2024
10:00 am
– 12:00 pm EST



We know health equity should be central to the work we do and incorporated into our organizations, our work with others, and ourselves, but it doesn’t always happen. This interactive training will explore common concepts and definitions related to building health equity, being culturally intelligent, key identifying complex factors that make people and communities healthy, and exploring how history and policies have helped shape what our communities are like today.


Upon completion of the training and receipt of your evaluation survey, participants of Applying an Equity Lens to Problem Gambling Prevention can receive a certificate of completion or CPS credits.

View PowerPoint Slides Here

View Recording Here

Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives – At the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Define and describe common concepts and words associated with disparities, health equity, and cultural linguistic responsiveness
  • Better understand how structural and institutional factors impact community health
  • Examine discrimination and oppression of all kinds as a threat to the health of communities
  • Understand how we can apply health equity and cultural responsiveness to our work to improve the individuals we serve and the overall community’s health
  • Describe the importance of using Cultural Self-Assessment tools for individuals and organizations


Debra Morris, Program Manager and Health Equity Advisor
Ben Spooner, BS, CPS

Track and Competency Level

Equitable Practice
, Intermediate