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Youth Leaders in Problem Gambling Prevention

Project Goals

  • Develop or utilize an existing positive youth development program that incorporates a peer-to-peer framework and is designed to build leadership skills such as advocacy, public speaking, presentation, goal setting, problem solving, decision making, relationship building, influencing without authority, and conflict management.
  • Provide youth with resources, skills, and mentorship to support them through the academic process. Youth who successfully complete the program and meet academic standards, with a minimum of one year of project participation, will be eligible to receive a one-time $5,000 scholarship to be used towards higher education.
  • Raise awareness and educate youth and the community about gambling and related health issues through a variety of trainings, learning opportunities, direct outreach efforts, tabling events, etc. each year.
  • Identify and implement prevention strategies that integrate the socio-ecological model to enhance youth health and wellbeing at each level. These strategies are informed by a community engagement process that includes youth, community leaders and partners, community members impacted by gambling and related issues, and each strategy incorporates a gambling prevention or awareness component.
  • Implement a Train the Trainer Model for the “A Public Health Approach to Problem Gambling for Youth Training” which teaches youth about gambling and prepares them to lead the training in the future for adults and youth in the community.
  • Host community events to build supportive relationships among youth and the community, including events for parents and caregivers to learn how to engage in meaningful and challenging conversations about gambling with their children.

About the Project